The two essentials of a Pump Espresso Coffee Maker

The two essentials of a Pump Espresso Coffee Maker

Empower yourself with the knowledge of choosing the right espresso coffee maker, learn what you need to look for to re-create that café experience at home.

Pretty much a standard appliance in practically every European home, a pump espresso coffee maker is a miniature version of the large commercial machines you see in cafés. It’s seriously engineered to give you the same café style experience at home.A miniature electric pump lodged within the machine forces hot water through the coffee powder under a 15-bar pressure to produce that thick concentrated brew we know and love:  the espresso.

There are two main must-have features of a good Pump Espresso Coffee Maker:

  1. The thermoblock is essentially a multi-compartment mini boiler that heats up the water to a precise temperature to treat your coffee correctly and ensure full flavor. The same thermoblock can also raise the temperature of the water to provide steam for frothing milk. To switch from coffee brewing to steaming functions, the thermoblock is required to ensure proper temperature control.

2. The electric pump is essential to ensure the required 15-bar pressure that the hot water needs to be forced through the coffee powder. It’s this pressure that extracts the full flavor of the coffee and also releases the oils that form the foam or crema that floats on the top of an espresso shot.

These two essentials are the foundation of any good espresso coffee maker. Additional features in more complex (read:  more expensive) machines include a grinder for the coffee beans (a feature of  bean-to-cup machines) or a fully automatic digital microcomputer panel. You can also find machines that work with coffee capsules or pods also known as ESE pods or easy serve espresso machines. There are several choices for every budget, but make sure you have the two essential features covered in your selection.