Cleaning An Espresso Coffee Maker – Descaling made easy

Cleaning An Espresso Coffee Maker – Descaling made easy

One of the essentials to a great tasting espresso is the use of clean filtered water in your espresso machine. However, over time, scaling develops in the various paths of water flow in the machine resulting in a trickle of water while making an espresso or weak steam generation. This is due to obstruction of water flow because of scaling.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to clean the insides of the coffee maker. It’s pretty simple. Good old household vinegar is the answer.

Follow these instructions for Cleaning An Espresso Coffee Maker

  1. Fill the water tank half way with water that you normally use.
  1. Add two large tablespoons of household vinegar to the tank.

What we need to do now is to run the machine as you would be making an espresso and the next step would be to pass some steam as well. The idea is to allow the vinegar infused water to pass through all the pathways of water within the machine to descale them.

  1. Turn the machine on to heat up the water in the thermoblock.
  1. Lock in the coffee shower handle with an empty portafilter, place an empty cup below the shower handle and press the espresso function. We are simply getting the hot water to flow out of the portafilter. You will notice a light brownish colour on the water, this is because of the coffee powder particles lodged in the holes of the portafilter. Repeat this a few times until you see more or less clear water coming out of the shower handle.
  1. Next switch to the steam function and release some steam onto the table or platform your coffee machine is placed on. Repeat a few times until you find the steam gushing out as you are normally used to.
  1. Replace the water in the tank with fresh water and repeat steps 3 to 5 a few times to flush out the vinegar infused water. Go ahead and taste the water to check if there is any vinegar after taste. When you eventually taste regular hot water from the machine, you’re descaling is done.

Here are some more articles on the common best practices to get the most out of your espresso coffee maker