Can I re-use the coffee after my espresso ?

Can I re-use the coffee after my espresso ?

Yes and No.

The coffee after your espresso is good for a lot of uses except for having another shot of espresso. Unlike tea which can be reused for the next, less intense brew, coffee powder however cannot be used more than once. The first extraction is the only enjoyable brew. Consequent extractions make the brew bitter and devoid of the bold flavor of coffee.

The process of brewing coffee releases the oils in the coffee which contain the flavor and aroma we are so used to. Once the oils have been released, subsequent brewing releases the acids in coffee which impart a bitter flavor and a weak aroma.

You must have probably noticed how in coffee shops, the barista’s empty out the coffee from the portafilter after every expresso shot and a fresh scoop of coffee powder is loaded for the next one.

The used coffee powder however has a lot of uses.

Don’t throw away the used grounds just yet. Read our blog on how you can put to use these grounds.